
As years go by, the use of social media has been increasing, and along side so has technological advancements. These advancements have been used to help aid in our privacy online, but thanks to these advancements the level of risk our privacy faces is also escalating. In the article "The Wild West of Privacy", the author mentions how data is collected by these online companies, and then sold to external companies who use this data to figure out what our interests are, (personal to non-personal)which can put a person in danger. Hackers can access this information and steal credit card info, identity theft, and so on. Although some social media accounts do offer the choice of making your account private or public, nothing is every really private therefore, confidentiality is never guaranteed. For the years to come, the use of new media will only rise from here so in order to keep people information safe, companies should initiate/create ways to help protect users from the danger of the online world.


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