Instagram: Reality vs Fantasy

      The topic I chose to write my analysis is on : "Instagram: Reality vs Fantasy". As years go by, technology is evolving and so is our usage over them. I've specifically chosen the social media app Instagram because it has been one of the most used apps in recent years but not only that, it's also a form of media that has been very questionable as well when it comes to distinguishing what's reality and what's fantasy. There are many positive effects from this app which have impacted peoples daily lives, where as there have also been an uprise in negative effects in peoples lives, mental health and so on. I will elaborate on both sides much more in my whole writing piece and also talk about the different types of users and their types of posts, for example the average high-school/college student compared to a social media influencer. There will be further detail about photoshopping, picture editing, sponsorships, and etc. which all tie back to my title and the whole idea of whats real vs fantasy in the world of Instagram.


  1. I am a relatively new user of Instagram in that I joined last year to follow close friends, family members, and celebrities. Personally, I was aware that people tend to show only their glamorous photos and videos on Instagram to give outside viewers a carefully constructed story of a perceived perfect life. Unfortunately, photoshopping and retouching has undoubtedly contributed to the rise in self-esteem issues for many younger Instagram and social media users in general. I am very interested to see both the beneficial and detrimental effects that this app has had on individuals as well as any statistics to back up these findings.

  2. I personally do not have an Instagram account but I am still very much aware of its effects on users who cannot distinguish what is reality and what is a fantasy. There are #couplegoals pages, fitness pages and models all of which depict a certain level of perfection to invoke envy out of their followers. This envy converts itself to lower self-esteem because you do not have what is depicted and it can also convert into unreal expectations. I really like your research topic and want to see where you'll take it.

  3. I have an instagram account, but I don't use it that often. However, I do see all the sponsorships and people promoting products to make money. In addition, I do feel that everyone tries to post their best self on Instagram because no one wants to show that they are struggling. Despite this, there is also positive effects created by Instagram such as connecting likeminded people and show different experiences that people have. Overall, I would like to see both the pros and cons to see if the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa.

  4. I'm really excited that we are discussing the same topic. It would be very interesting to see how we both cover the story differently and share our perspectives. I will be discussing this topic from my own perspective and experiences, as well as others.

  5. It is really nice that you brought up this topic that is a very hot debate in the world we live in today. I know people would go out in a day in multiple outfits and different locations just so they can post a few pictures on instagram. Obviously, people have the choices to post whatever they prefer, but because social media has impacted a lot of people's lives and especially the younger generation. The audience should know that all the pictures that people are posting may not be a representation of how they live in real life but more of a side they want others to see.


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