Blog Social Networking

Blogs can be used for many different reasons whether its to promote products, or just for social interaction. Internet as a whole has been a definite factor in all social networking and users range from middle school kids online video games to companies using it to their advantage.Corporate companies actually like to use blogs for promotion of their companies or products they sell. They can get influencers who have a massive following, to create posts dedicated to that corporation where it can attract new customers. The benefits that this can have to society are numerous but one example would be in the article "In India, Using Facebook to Catch Scofflaw Drivers", it mentions how the traffic police had started a facebook page where near by residents would post pictures of drivers who were not following the laws when it came to driving. This helped the police track down these people and issue tickets that probably wouldn't have been given without the help of society. To answer if there is a dark side to all of this, I would say yes. As much as technology is much loved and appreciated, its not always safe in a way. Private information can be given away without the knowledge of the user himself. As we all make social media pages, the first thing we are asked to do is answer a series of questions about our selves, our gender, our hometown, and sometimes even forced to put down a phone number or email in order to complete the account. As users, we believe this information is only for our eyes to just find out that anyone who views our page can instantly access this "private" information. Take facebook for example, in the article "Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even The Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private", we come across Randi, the sister of Mark Zuckerberg, confused as to how a photo she assumed was only accessible by her friends on FB, had come to the public eye. As users, we assume that we are in control over who views our posts and so on only to realize later that we actually don't have total control after all. I am also someone who experienced something very similar. I posted a photo with friends which was only accessible to my friends on facebook, and could only be seen by my friends (though I assumed) to find out that people who I wasn't even friends with had my photo appearing on their timeline even though I had checked off every application there was to limit the people who can see my posts. Technology can involve in the future for many positive reasons but also negative. As technology advances, it also can open doors for many more "dark sides" which can cause more issues in the near future.


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