Social Networking Sites

The 4 different social networking sites I visited were Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. When visiting these 4 sites, I realized they are all similar in way in which users use the platform to express how they feel, share their inputs on different topics whether its political, or about anything that has to do with lifestyles. The differences I did see within the sites was that for example on Twitter, I see people sharing more comical thoughts and pictures, and its all about starting a trending tweet. Instagram is more of the app where people are sharing photos of them selves with friends and so forth where as Facebook is more use of a connection where families are connecting with each other and Youtube is used by bloggers sharing different tips and tricks about everyday life. Although they all have the same purpose to help connect people from all around, they did have a different target audience.


  1. Hi Ayesha, I agree with you on the fact that the noted social networking sites do indeed have several key differences and several key similarities. I think the main purpose for the creator of these networking sites did have a target audience in mind, but I feel now that they are being used interchangeably. People in our generation may be using Facebook much differently than our parents are, and we may be using twitter much differently than people who are years younger than us. I also think social networking plays a big role in peoples mental health, addiction and envy are sometimes outcomes of using these sites too often. For example, people may just want to tweet something just to get as many retweets/likes as possible, and same goes for instagram. In a way, we are expressing out all of our experiences and thoughts through social media, and we expect to get something out of it.


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