File Sharing is the transporting of files from one designated computer, to another one with the use of internet. It gives us the ability to download documents and share it amongst whom ever. P2P is basically the same thing as file sharing but for digital content such as movies, videos, etc. An example of P2P would be the illegal downloading of movies. This can lead to massive losses in the movie industry due to the pirating issues. For example, in the article "Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios", it discusses how the Warner brothers tried their best to maintain a system where they monitored each copy they had sold but failed due to the increase in piracy.



  1. Yes, I have a experience of downloading illegal movies and not doing it anymore. It does lead to massive lossed in the movie industry. Sometimes it’s impossible for people to track who have shared the illegal files and who are the downloaders. There are way too many transactions between users and it’s time to have some risctictions on sharing illegal files, movies and programs that have copy rights on it.


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